There are lots of very useful websites about composting and associated projects. Here are a few that we have found useful.
- Eden Project – 10 top tips for composting
- Leeds City Council – offers on compost bins
- Plate2Plate Compost – Plate2Plate Compost is run by Mark who collects food waste and composts it in Ridan hot composters at West Leeds Activity Centre. Food waste from your plate to compost to growing food and back to your plate, a beautiful circular economy!
Hot composting
- Hotbin Composting – award winning hot composting bins
- Children in Permaculture
- Climate Change Teaching Resources – provided by teachers and reviewed by teachers
- Feed Leeds
- Hyde Park Source – Improving Health and Wellbeing through improving the Environment guided by Permaculture
- Leeds Food Partnership
- Leeds Urban Harvest – saving surplus fruit grown in Leeds from going to waste
- Our Future Leeds Schools
- Permaculture Association – designing intelligent systems inspired by nature which meet human needs whilst enhancing biodiversity, reducing our impact on the planet, and creating a fairer world for us all.
- Plate2Plate Compost – taking waste food from your plate, to compost, to your veg patch and back to your plate.
- Rainbow Junktion – aims to reduce food waste, reduce food poverty and build community by rescuing perfectly good food destined for landfill and creating fantastic meals.
- Re Think Food
- Sustainable Food Cities – Leeds